Cordless_SD.lwobj Cordless_SD.lwobj and this documentation are Copyright © 1995 by Stephen B. Nevins. -+- License -+- This Cordless_screwdriver.obj may be freely distributed as long as no charge is made other than to cover time and copying costs. This should be no higher than what Fred Fish charges from one of his freely redistributable disks. You may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying documentation unless you get permission from the author to do so. Fred Fish and AMIGA LIBARY SERVICES have permission to include this object on their FD disks/CDRoms. -+- Disclaimer -+- Skil and Skil Twist are reg. tradmarks of SKIL CORP. You can reach me at: 14027 105 Ave N.E. Kirkland, WA 98034 1(206) 823-8540 Internet